Brien Pennell of Stamford was arrested after his probation officer was tipped off that he was in possession of electronic devices, which is against his probation parameters, reported the Stamford Advocate.
Pennell was arrested in 2007 after he was caught having sex with a girl in the Stamford Town Center garage and had more than 50 images of child pornography, Stamford Police said.
He was sentenced to 30 months in jail after pleading guilty to sexual assault and possession of child pornography.
The conditions of his release prevented him from owning any cameras, camera phones, recording devices, internet service, or children's clothing or toys.
After receiving the tip, his probation officer conducted a compliance check Feb. 2 and uncovered an Amazon tablet hidden under the steering wheel of his car, a sex toy and a Garmen GPS, the Stamford Advocate said.
At his home, officers found additional devices including an iPhone, more sex toys, a gun safe, and children toys in a closet, the paper reported.
He is being held at the Bridgeport Correctional Center until a court hearing on Wednesday, according to the Department of Corrections. If found in violation of his probation, he faces more than seven years in prison.
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